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How to Have a Happy New Year

How to Have a Happy New Year
Was 2010 a good year for you? Are you looking forward to 2011 with hopeful anticipation, eager to explore new opportunities?

Many feel inspired this time of year; ready to make changes in their lives and let go of those things that have held them back. They want to grow into a fuller expression of their best self. If this is you, you're already motivated and on your way.

But for some, this time of year only brings more pain. Maybe you've had a year that has been tough, filled with struggle, stress, hardship, defeat, and loss. You may have lost hope, given up, or resigned yourself to an unhappy existence? If so, this article is for you.

As a Life Coach I talk with many people who want to feel happier; they know they aren't happy now, but aren't quite sure how to experience it more. Happiness, fulfillment, and joy are not things that happen to you; they come from within. It is a choice, a way of being totally in the moment, choosing to find elements in your everyday life to enjoy.

How do you do that? If helps if you know what types of situations or environments are most pleasing to you. If you don't know yet, then it's definitely time to find out; we all have activities and environments that fill us up, make us feel light, and put us is a more positive frame of mind. Experiment, try new hobbies, visit new places, pursue one of your passions; do this until you discover something that seems effortless, validating, and fun.

If you are waiting for the perfect person to come into your life, or waiting for ideal circumstances, or waiting for a year with no upsets or heartache, then you will be unhappy for a long time. One this is certain, if you do not choose happiness this New Year, you probably won't experience much of it.

You choose whether you carry around inner peace and calm or whether you carry angst, discontent, strife, worry, or anger.

Did you realize that you can decide now, way ahead of time, how you will respond to whatever life throws at you this next year? You can. You don't have to react to challenges and upsets by going into a dark abyss; instead, you can choose to look for the positive and refuse to see yourself as a victim.

One more thing - be sure to give yourself permission to enjoy your life. Some of us feel guilty if we have fun; some think it's almost frivolous. But it's not! Being unhappy doesn't make you a better parent, boss, or spouse. Being unhappy is not your destiny! HAPPY NEW YEAR MEME

If you are focused on finding happiness somewhere out there, you will miss it as it is right in front of you here and now. Find a way to experience happiness now, today: look on the light side, dance in your living room, laugh until your sides hurt!

Have some fun this year! Make it a Happy New Year!

Levya is a Certified Integrative Life Coach who has helped numerous individuals live happier lives. Levya also teaches on a variety of personal growth topics including finding balance and improving relationships. She enjoys helping others: get in touch with who they are, move through their fears, and start living the life they've longed for.
How to Have a Happy New Year

How to Have a Happy New Year


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